Kinnis K. Gosha, PHD


Dr. Kinnis Gosha (pronounced Go-Shay) is the Hortinius I. Chenault Endowed Professor of Computer Science, Department Chair for Computer Science, and Executive Director of the Morehouse Center for Broadening Participation in Computing. Dr. Gosha’s research interests include conversational AI, social media data analytics, computer science education, broadening participation in computing, and culturally relevant computing. Gosha also leads Morehouse’s Software Engineering degree program, where he builds collaborations with industry partners to provide his students with a variety of experiential learning experiences. In October of 2022, Gosha took over as the Principal Investigator of the Institute for African-American Mentoring in Computing Sciences (IAAMCS), a Broadening Participation in Computing Alliance, funded by the National Science Foundation.   

To date, 21 undergraduate researchers in his lab have gone on to pursue a doctoral degree in computing. PI Gosha currently has over 60 peer-reviewed publications in the area of Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC). Since arriving at Morehouse (2011), he has included undergraduate student researchers as co-authors in 26 peer-reviewed manuscripts. Gosha is very active in the BPC community serving as a regular paper and poster reviewer for the Tapia, SIGCSE, and RESPECT conferences. Currently, Gosha is the Co-Chair of the IEEE Special Technical Community for Broadening Participation and a newly elected board member of both the Computing Research Association and the National Science Foundation Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Advisory Committee.